

Interrupt Delivery

Set the irqControl property to point out the processor’s irq interface. The model will deliver normal SPARC interrupts (1 up to 15). The LEON2 also exports the IrqCtrlIface as IrqIface. IrqClientIface should be wired from the CPU the LEON2 model is connected to.

The IrqIface enables the use of external interrupts using the raise and lower functions. The LEON2 has 8 external IRQs mapped according to the following table (the mappings cannot be customised at present):

Table 1. External to Internal IRQ Mapping
External Internal (Sparc IRL)

















The rules for IRQ raising is controlled by the GPIO IRQ config registers (it is also possible to raise IRQs by setting and lowering GPIO pins).

UART Connections

The UARTs are connected to the destination using the uarta and uartb properties. For the remote end points, these should be connected to UartAIface and UartBIface.

Infinite UART Speed

The UARTs can run either at infinite speed, or at simulated real-time speed. This can be configured using the infiniteUartSpeed property. Set this property to non-zero to enable infinite UART speed.

Note that this controls the speed of both UARTs.

When infinite speed is enabled, bytes are emitted to the destination serial device as soon as they have been written by the OBSW.


The GPIO support in the LEON2 model supports interrupt generation using the GPIO interface instead of the IRQ controller interface. Model implements both the GpioClientIface and a property with a GpioBusIface reference (called gpioBus). The GPIO bus connection is not mandatory to set. If it is set, writes to the GPIO data register’s out bits will be forwarded over the GPIO port. Note that the LEON2 only have 16 GPIO pins.


The LEON2 SoC can act as a cache controller. That means that a cache model can notify the SoC about when it starts an evict/flush operation. The controller will also notify any connected caches about enabling, disabling and freezing events happening.

The cache parameters in the cache control register and the product configuration register are set automatically when connecting the dCache and iCache interface references to conforming objects.

When connecting the cache references, make sure the caches are configured before they are connected.

The caches that these interface references are connected to should normally be compliant with the supported LEON2 cache parameters. That is, there is a limitation on the sizes, lines and ways.

While the model does a best effort in trying to report errors when a miss-configured cache model is supplied, take care to ensure that the model is correctly configured.


The Leon2 Device model simulates the AT697F chip. There are some deviations to the AT697E chip (e.g. the size of the counters). If you need the AT697E behaviour, please contact us for more info.

The following deviations from real hardware are known to exist, if you need the correct behaviour (or simulation of it, contact us for more info):

  • No support for Ethernet at present

  • No support for PCI at present

  • The UARTs do not support external clocks.

  • The UARTs do not support parity, framing errors and break signals.

  • GPIO pin configurations are ignored for UARTs, the UARTs are assumed to be on separate dedicated I/O pins.

  • GPIO databus control is not supported (i.e. meddat and lowdat fields).

  • Write protection registers have no effect

  • Timer values are lazily computed on reads, the content in the case a timer is disabled is estimated on disabling time. This is in principle correct. However, the prescaler counter write has no effect, only the reload value has an effect when written. This may cause an offset of 1024 cycles when re-enabling a timer.

  • In general the MEMCFG registers are ignored