
T-EMU provides support for AMBA plug-and-play as used in the Gaisler GRLIB. The AMBA bus support and interfaces are defined in "temu-c/Bus/Amba.h". In addition to the interfaces implemented by device models, the AhbCtrl and ApbCtrl classes are provided.


The interesting interfaces are defined in the temu-c/Bus/Amba.h header. This header also defines constants for various vendor identifiers and inline helper functions to populate the PnP info structs.

typedef struct {
  uint32_t IdentReg;
  uint32_t UserDef[3];
  uint32_t Bar[4];
} temu_AhbPnpInfo;

typedef struct temu_AhbIface {
  temu_AhbPnpInfo* (*getAhbPnp)(void *Obj);
} temu_AhbIface;

typedef struct {
  uint32_t ConfigWord;
  uint32_t Bar;
} temu_ApbPnpInfo;

typedef struct temu_ApbIface {
  temu_ApbPnpInfo* (*getApbPnp)(void *Obj);
} temu_ApbIface;


There are two important classes provided, the AhbCtrl and ApbCtrl classes. These are available in and When configuring a non-standard LEON3 / LEON4 based processor, the AHB and APB controllers must be instantiated and the controllers should be connected to any devices implementing the plug and play interfaces. For the AhbCtrl class, the property to connect is the masters and slaves arrays, and for the ApbCtrl class, only the slaves property exist.


The first example shows how to create and connect the AHB and APB bus controllers to different objects implementing the plug-and-play interfaces.

import AhbCtrl
import ApbCtrl

# Create two bus objects
object-create class=AhbCtrl name=ahbctrl0
object-create class=ApbCtrl name=apbctrl0

# Map to the normal addresses
memory-map memspace=mem0 addr=0x800ff000 length=0x1000 object=apbctrl0
memory-map memspace=mem0 addr=0xfffff000 length=0x1000 object=ahbctrl0

# Connect various APB devices to the APB controller
connect a=apbctrl0.slaves b=ftmctrl0:ApbIface
connect a=apbctrl0.slaves b=apbuart0:ApbIface
connect a=apbctrl0.slaves b=irqMp0:ApbIface
connect a=apbctrl0.slaves b=gpTimer0:ApbIface
connect a=apbctrl0.slaves b=ahbstat0:ApbIface

# Connect various AHB devices to the AHB controller
connect a=ahbctrl0.masters b=cpu0:AhbIface
connect a=ahbctrl0.slaves b=ftmctrl0:AhbIface
connect a=ahbctrl0.slaves b=apbctrl0:AhbIface

The next example shows how to implement a simple APB device.

#include "temu-c/Bus/Amba.h"

// This is the model type, we need to add the Pnp info.
typedef struct MyDevice {
  temu_ApbPnpInfo Pnp;
  // ...
} MyDevice;

// Implement the APB PNP interface
getApbPnp(void *Obj)
   MyDevice *Dev = (MyDevice*)Obj;

   return &Dev->Pnp;

temu_ApbIface ApbIface = {
  .getApbPnp = getApbPnp

// Define functions to allocate and destroy the object
create(int Argc, const temu_CreateArg *Argv)
  MyDevice *Dev = malloc(sizeof(MyDevice));
  memset(Dev, 0, sizeof(MyDevice));

  // PNP init
  temu_apbSetVendorId(&MyDevice->Pnp, 0x99);
  temu_apbSetDeviceId(&MyDevice->Pnp, 0x001);
  temu_apbSetVersion(&MyDevice->Pnp, 1);

  temu_apbSetAddr(&MyDevice->Pnp, 0);
  temu_apbSetCP(&MyDevice->Pnp, 0);
  temu_apbSetMask(&MyDevice->Pnp, 0xfff);
  temu_apbSetType(&MyDevice->Pnp, 1); // APB I/O space

  return MyDevice;

dispose(void *Obj)
  MyDevice *Dev = (MyDevice*)Obj;

// Define the device interface
reset(void *Obj, int ResetKind)

mapDevice(void *Obj, uint64_t Addr, uint64_t Len)
  MyDevice *Dev = (MyDevice*)Obj;
  temu_apbSetAddr(&Dev->Pnp, Addr);

temu_DeviceIface DeviceIface = {
  reset, // Called on resets
  mapDevice, // Called when a device is mapped to a memory location.

  temu_Class *cls = temu_registerClass("MyClass", create, dispose);

  temu_addInterface(cls, "ApbIface", "ApbIface", &ApbIface);
  temu_addInterface(cls, "DeviceIface", "DeviceIface", &DeviceIface);
